Saturday, May 19, 2012

Lexathon™ word scramble cracks 200,000 downloads

Lexathon™ that great Android word scramblefrom indie developer XandarMob has just zipped past the 200,000 download mark and we have celebrated by releasing version 2.0.1.

You can pick it up now from Google Play or GetJar.

The new version patches in some of the dictionary changes being made by you guys in our quest to get a well rounded dictionary. Lexathon's dictionary was composited from a number of online sources and then run through several filters to remove proper names, esoteric, archaic and abbreviated forms, as well as dialectical variants. The aim to provide a dictionary that everyone could feel they had a reasonable chance of knowing most of the words but wide enough to provide a bit of a challenge and some education. I think we have largely succeeded but we intend to keep on improving it by curating those words you add/remove to your Lexathon dictionaries.

Full release notes below:
  • Added preferences to ignore news and update notifications.
  • Stopped notifications causing OverviewActivity from starting twice.
  • Improved dictionary - added 17 words, removed 6 based on user dictionary changes.
  • Fixed error reading news for Android 2.1 and below.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Jumblee Words renamed - Lexathon 2.0 released

Yes, that most addictive of word games has had a named change and is now known as Lexathon™, ie a marathon of lexicons. Version 2.0.0 includes all images and icons for the new name as well as a revamp of the dictionary and ability to allow you to modify the dictionary to suit your own tastes.

Full details of the version 2.0.0 are as follows:

  • Changed name to "Lexathon".
  • Revamped dictionary.
  • User modifiable dictionary.
  • Added shuffle button to landscape layout for small/mid sized devices.
  • Nine letter word highlighted in gold.
  • Fixed error restoring app on some versions of Eclair.
So now you know what's there, go get jumbling.