Friday, November 6, 2015

FULLY automated wireless timing system using Android

Check out the new video for Wylas Timing. Doesn't it just eek the pared down Android form factor. Commodity hardware delivering superior and affordable functionality. All through the power of software delivered on an open framework like Android.

This is where mankind is getting great value for dollar now. Well considered open systems that provide clear integration points for others to connect to and build on top of. Reinventing the wheel each time is a sure road to obsolescence.

If you are associated with a swimming or athletics club you can sign up for a free trial at

Monday, August 31, 2015

Fully FINA and US Swimming compliant wireless timing system on Android released by XandarMob

XandarMob have just released Wylas Timing® 1.7.0, their wireless timing system for swimming and athletics and have added the ability to record, display and export split times.

This now brings Wylas Timing into full compliance will all FINA and US Swimming regulations.

If you are looking for an affordable and efficient wireless timing and display system for your swimming or athletics club, then Wylas Timing® is your number one choice.

Full details at Wylas Timing 1.7.0 Release Notes

Sunday, July 12, 2015

XandarMob is now shipping Android hardware with their wireless timing system

XandarMob have just released version 1.6.1 of Wylas Timing® which was targeted at compliance with the US Swimming and FINA regulations surrounding fully and semi automated timing systems.

And to celebrate they have also released Wylas Timing hardware packs containing all the devices necessary to fire up a timing system out of the box.

The packs contain

  • Android Starter, plus electronic starting pistol and personal PA
  • 6-10 Android Timekeepers
  • Android HDMI Display dongle. Capable of showing 3 lanes on a TV.
  • WiFi Router
  • 10 port charging hub
  • Waterproof carry case

Full details at
Full release notes at Wylas Timing 1.6.1

Monday, May 18, 2015

Lexathon word jumble pronounces dictionary words

XandarMob has released Lexathon 2.6.2 their Android word jumble. This new version let's those with a Lollipop device listen to the pronunciation of any of the dictionary words.

There have been further upgrades to the dictionary and a number of bug fixes to make the game more stable.

Lexathon 2.6.2 can be downloaded from Google Play.

So dig in and get jumbling.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

XandarMob increases robustness of their Android wireless timing system

XandarMob just announced a maintenance release of Wylas Timing® to nail some rare edge cases that could cause connection issues.
The nice thing about small regular releases is that it provides a chance to fold in some of the simple but delightful ideas that occur mid cycle. And in this instance, XandarMob has taken the opportunity to literally add some color to the user interface of the Recorder to highlight the information you need, so as to make timing your meets that much easier.
That's how we keep these guys so happy :-)

As always, if you are looking for an affordable and efficient wireless timing and display system for your swimming or athletics club, then Wylas Timing® is your number one choice.

Full release notes at Wylas-Timing-1.5.5 Release

Saturday, March 28, 2015

XandarMob releases wireless swim timing - Android style

XandarMob has released Wylas Timing ® 1.5.4 and there's lot's to love about this release!

Wylas Timing ® was always going to readily integrate with any touchpad, but it's nice to see that in the pool.

And with 1.5.4 there are some items to make touchpad integration that much smoother.
  • Ability to set a quiet period at the start so that you can start the next race over the top of the swimmers from the previous race while using a touchpad
  • Ability to configure timer to automatically restart for multi lap events
The clock synchronisation was modified to further improve accuracy and reduce the amount of network traffic, which is very important in a wireless timing system. And having devices send stop/start messages even if the Wylas Timekeeper or Starter app has been pushed into the background has improved the reliability.

And to cap it all off, all the Android apps now follow and use the Material Design theme and guidelines. And the Wylas Display app has been sanctioned as a bonafide Android TV app by the Android team.

See more at

Then roll out the gear and get swimming!

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Wylas Timing 1.5.0 - now with touchpad integration

XandarMob is happy to announce that version 1.5.0 of Wylas Timing ®, it's wireless timing system for swimming and athletics has been released.

Version 1.5.0 brings:

Touchpad integration
- Quiet time at race start
- Configurable restart of timer for split time event

Improved Clock Synchronisation
- Better accuracy
- Less network traffic

Enhanced Reliability
- Devices send messages even while in background
- Reduced processing

Material design theme
- Supports Android TV layout and theming requirements
- Connection status on WT Display logo

So if you know someone involved with a swim club who wants to speed up their meets while improving the reliability of their race records, point them to so they can kick the tires.

Starter, 12 watches and 2 HD multi-color multi-lane displays for under $2500

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Wylas Timing 1.4.1 released

Just in time for the second half of the southern swimming season, XandarMob has released version 1.4.1 Wylas Timing®, it's wireless sports timing system for swimming and athletics.

Versions 1.4.1 provides:
  • Changes for integration with SplashMM.
  • TimeKeeper and Starter will now respond to audio input, volume rocker, and server messages while in the background.
  • Reduced amount of chatter when synchronising the clocks.
  • Confirmation now required to exit the Android apps.
  • Ensured NavBar is not shown for the Android apps.
  • Fixed auto start issue for Starter.